Thursday, November 26, 2015

That Angel of "Light"

This is not considered no ways near as much as it should be.
From "The Berean"
2 Corinthians 11:14-15
(14) And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. (15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
New King James Version Change your email Bible version
The Bible does not typically portray practitioners of the occult and the demons behind them in a particularly macabre way. We moderns have been conditioned to imagine Satan, his demons, and their human minions as dark beings of pure ugliness, bearing attributes of horror and death. We have swallowed this deception from our historical culture and from the images presented by the media to entertain the masses and make millions of dollars.
Yet, while God's Word warns us against Satanic deceptions, it does not provide the standard horror movie images. In fact, it often does just the opposite, cautioning us with the fact that the Devil and his demons do their best to appear as appealing to our senses as they can be. From what we see in Genesis 3, the serpent did not repulse Eve; to her in her innocence, he was logical and quite convincing. In Ezekiel 28, the description of the king of Tyre, a type of Satan, lauds him as “the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty” (verse 12). It describes a creature whose beauty and magnificence turned his heart proud and corrupt (verse 17).
Though he and his demons have been cast down, at least some of their beauty remains, for Paul tells us in II Corinthians 11:14-15: “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers [servants] also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” Demons do not always look like snakes, dragons, gargoyles, or goblins but have the ability to appear attractive to us when it suits them. If accosted by a ghoul, we would shrink in horror and flee. Demons, though, are all about deception, and appearing as good and beautiful is far more subversive. People are far more likely to trust a physically appealing person than an old hag or troll.
Thus, while the tone of I Samuel 28 is at times stressed, suspicious, and fearful—as one would expect when encountering demonic powers—there is nothing blatantly horrifying or even ugly in the narrative. This tells us that a demon, being manipulative to the extreme, will appear to a person in a way that he thinks will work best for his purposes. A demon will stoop to whatever trick he deems necessary, even to appearing as a minister of righteousness.
— Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Whole Counsel of YHWH Sets Us Apart

If you believe YHWH/God is good, and love, why don't you believe He has serious and detailed instructions for us to follow in this life that HE created and gave to us? A good and loving father will give time to his children. He will give them instructions on what is best and how best to do a thing. Why would anyone believe YHWH/God has given us this life and then expects us to do what is right in our own minds, especially after letting us know that our flesh is against His will right from the start from the first fall of man?
I know from experience that many believe that "love God with all of your heart and your neighbor as you love your self" is the only thing required since the advent of Messiah; As if He brought a new thing other than what the Father gave us. The problem with that is, without the details, everyone is left believing "their heart" will make the right choice. Hence the well known saying, "He knows my heart".
When you read in scripture that "the whole law hangs on those two", "love YHWH/God with all of your heart, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as you love your self", you need to understand that what it is saying is, the only way you can accomplish that summation is to follow the whole law; With mercy of course.
You cannot go blindly through life assuming you'll get it right because you "believe" (even the devils believe), or since you go to church on Sundays ( the devil goes too) and a whole host of other reasonings we might come up with in this flesh. Our measuring stick is the whole counsel of YHWH; ALL of HIS instructions for HIS set apart people. Granted there are changes since we don't have the priesthood in order and there is no temple but our bodies. But murder is still murder, stealing is still stealing, unclean animals are still unclean, not remembering the Sabbath is still neglecting it, and serving idols rather than YHWH is still serving idols.
You are NOT set apart if you are blending so well with the world that you make them feel welcome just as they are. No No. You can "come as you are" but change is definitely required. Repenting is in order for every single one of us. It is not our call to make the Truth more palatable. You cannot change the lyrics of a song to "help" others like it more. Or else it is no longer the song you desired they like in the first place.
The word of YHWH is true and He does not change. We either accept it or not. His word is His instructions to us, His set apart people. We follow it to set us apart from the rest of the world. Otherwise you are of the world and none of His.
It's that simple.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Untwisting the Twisted

Some untwisting of the twisted interpretations of one of Paul's letters.
From "The Berean"
Galatians 2:15-21
(15) We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, (16) knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified. (17) "But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not! (18) For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. (19) For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. (20) I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (21) I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain."
Verse 15 declares that being born an Israelite indicates a privileged birth. The privilege results from being part of the Old Covenant nation, thus having direct contact with God's Word, which contains His promises and instructions. This provides the possibility of faith because faith comes from hearing God's Word (Romans 10:17).
However, even having that privilege is of itself no benefit regarding justification. Why? Because a person is justified only through faith in Jesus Christ. Through this means and this means only, a person is declared righteous or innocent of sin. Thus, if one does not take advantage of its availability, the availability itself is of no value. Faith in Jesus Christ and His message is what is important about this way of life.
Paul makes a definitive statement regarding obedience following justification by faith in verses 17-18. The thing that he destroyed through faith and repentance was his former way of life with its mountain of sin accumulated during his unconverted life before justification. Paul was determined not to return to that sinful way. To do this, he had to live to God (verse 19), that is, to obey God's laws so that he would not sin and therefore bring to naught his justification through Christ's sacrifice. He is clearly stating that keeping God's laws is required, even though keeping them does not earn salvation.
We need to make sure that we understand this important reality: Being justified is a major step toward salvation, but this does not mean that the person's character is now fully changed. It means only that the charges for sin against him are removed, and he is legally declared innocent on the basis of Christ's divine righteousness.
Justification is a judicial action by a judge—God. The term indicates an aligning of a forgiven person with a standard. In this case, the standard is the law of God. Justification does not happen automatically to all but solely to those whom God calls, forgives, and unites with Christ because they believe in the efficacy of His death as the divinely given Substitute to pay the death penalty for their sins. They have humbled themselves before Him and fervently desire to glorify God through a vastly changed life.
Character is a group of qualities that cannot be transferred by fiat. It is created throughout life, either by experiences in this world or by experiences within a relationship with God. We desire to be in the character image of God. In His purpose, the creating of godly character takes place during the sanctification process.
The New International Version renders Romans 10:17 as, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Paul uses "faith," one's belief, in the sense of trust. At the point of justification in a person's spiritual life, faith is not producing works; it is merely the mental activity of believing. The works come later as the sanctification process begins and continues. This faith, this trust, has its foundation in knowledge that God has supplied by enabling the called person to reach the right conclusion, a conclusion based in fact. His trust is therefore not blind; it is based, not on speculation, but truth.
In Galatians 2:18, Paul shows that being justified by faith does not lead to a life of sin. Being justified by faith indicates a commitment in the mind of the justified to go forward, building on the relationship by being established with Christ. Verse 19 begins with the word "for," indicating the reason why the justified person will not return to the old way of life. By faith, Paul understands the reason: As far as the law is concerned, he is dead. His debt to it has been satisfied.
Verse 20 continues the thought. Like Christ died, the "old man," the carnal Paul, also died and was symbolically buried in the waters of baptism. Also like Christ, he has been raised from the dead—symbolically—from the waters of baptism. This is done for the sole reason that, by means of the very faith of Christ that he has been given, he would live life as Christ lived. The life Christ lived was sinless. He did not break God's laws, and that is the objective of the new creation and salvation.
— John W. Ritenbaugh

Sunday, August 2, 2015


YHWH/God, His instructions/commandments, or Torah, is His word. Y'shua was that Word made flesh. When you deny His Torah, you deny Him. Confessing you "believe" should be followed by adapting your life to living those words just as Y'shua reiterated while here in the flesh; Which actually made them more binding including the spiritual aspect of it all. To do otherwise is only lip service. For even the devils "believe".

Accepting that Y'shua paid the price you owe does not make way for you to continue in the state you needed saving from. Repent. Return to His instructions instead believing the lie that they no longer matter. Start by keeping the seventh day Sabbath. He made it a part of the very beginning of creation. It is a sign of acknowledging you are His people. Stop believing the twisted versions of scripture that have you deceived and believing a lie. Just because a thing has been practiced for hundreds and hundreds of years does not make it truth. But it is a sure fire way for the truth to get buried in the traditions of man.

Here is just one example of the kind of twisting of scripture that Peter warned about. The verse speaking of one esteeming one day above another and another doing likewise for another day. (Romans 14:5) Many have been taught, or assume, that it is referring to Sabbaths and other appointed times; As if we can all do whatever we come up with. But that is not the topic at hand. Or else the reference in another place in scripture speaking of man doing what is right in his own mind is pointless and contradictory. YHWH is not the author of confusion. Most places where scripture seems to contradict it self is only misinterpreted by man.
The subject being spoken of in Romans was fasting. Read on through verse 6 where it references eating. It's not implying that we can disregard the instructions given to us that are the very instructions that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Or else how are we any different?
It's a learning process. And we are all still learning and growing for as long as we are given life here and now.
There are many other such misinterpretations. Pray for understanding. Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear the Spirit of Truth.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

An article from "The Berean"

From "The Berean"
Mark 2:27-28
(27) And He said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. (28) Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath."
A number of important aspects are of note here. The first is that the Sabbath was not made for its own sake, as with the other days of the week, but with the specific purpose of being a service to mankind. An alternate translation is that it was made "on account of man."
The Sabbath, then, is a specific, thoughtful gift of the Creator to serve His creation. If it were to be used by mankind merely for physical rest, any one of the seven days of the week would be acceptable. Yet, God set apart the seventh day specifically and linked it to creation (Genesis 2:1-3). Therefore, God's purpose in establishing the Sabbath is primarily to support man's part in God's spiritual creation. Such use goes far beyond mere bodily rest.
A second item is that God made the Sabbath for humanity, not just for the Jews. As God created it, its intention is universal. He made it to ensure mankind's physical and spiritual well-being.
A third point is that Jesus claims the authority as its Lord to teach us how to keep it, not whether to keep it. Both the immediate context and the gospels as a whole show that Jesus expected it to be kept and offered no alternatives.
Nations routinely honor citizens they believe have made significant contributions to the well-being of their people, and they often do this by setting apart a day as a memorial to them so that others will remember their contributions. For example, in this nation George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King have been so honored. God says in Exodus 31:13: "Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you."
By God's own words, He is memorialized and therefore honored by our observance of the Sabbath. Compared to any man, God's contributions to the well-being of every living thing are beyond counting, but one stands out as witness to all: He is Creator. What an awesome statement to consider. Everything in and on this fantastic, floating greenhouse we call Earth is a tribute to and witnesses of His genius, power, and loving providence.
Mankind, on the other hand, has yet to create its first flea! Yet, if a man did create one, how much publicity would he want? What honors might he demand?
— John W. Ritenbaugh

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Are Your Beleifs Padded In Error?

Satan, our adversary, is padding you, through society, to accept things that are completely adverse to scriptural instructions. But the really sad part is it's been going on so long that most don't know they were born into things that were padded and accepted long, long ago. Our call is to repent, Turn around and go back to the whole council of Y'shua. And His council is the same as YHWH's . He did NOT come to do away with Father's instructions for His set apart people. He came to do it perfectly. But not only to qualify as a sacrifice in our stead, but to also show us how it really should be done. "Fulfill" does not mean to nullify or do away with. The new doctrines we are receiving now are not all false. False doctrine was even being taught as far back as the apostle's day. Don't let it fool you in this day. But even so still, we are being awakened through the Ruach/Spirit of Yah to all that He desire we know and learn in these end days. Don't be so complacent and content with what you already know that you let some very important revelations slip by.
Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
And if you think another verse written by Paul trumps these words I assure you, you are highly mistaken and taken those words out of context or twisting them unto a wrong interpretation.
Pray earnestly that Father will show you the Truth and not a popular worldly, easy fitting in, interpretation.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Never Stop Learning

You never stop growing and learning as you get older. For those that do have stopped living. They do nothing. They become stagnant. And that can only lead to a quicker complete death.

The same applies to our spiritual life and growth in Truth, in Messiah.

Think about how so many of the older generations who reject modern influences and technology; But with the understanding that not all new things are bad. These older generations might think it is, but, no, it's not.

But really, some folks just flat out don't want to learn new things. They like to stay in the comfort zone that they peaked in and want nothing to do with any further advancement because they just don't see it as an advancement since, obviously, they believe they have learned "enough".
Again, the same applies to our spiritual life.

And THAT is partly why you have so many that couldn't care less about any new major enlightenment that YHWH brings about to His people. They are so fixed and content in what they already know, they have no interest in learning more.
What a tragedy and detriment to the body of believers.

He told us knowledge would increase in the latter days. Why would anyone assume it only applies to things of this world when His word equates knowledge so many times to His instructions and doing those things HE defines as good and righteous?
I know now just how stubborn I was to the things He tried to show me so many times before I finally started studying it out and finally seeing with eyes to see. Makes me wonder now just how much more I might be missing out on.
But I do have a true seeker heart now. I was missing so much before when I relied solely on what was traditionally taught in the churches.
The race is not over yet. Never assume you've arrived in full growth in truth.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Desiring to Return

To those who desire to continue to grow and learn in the ways of our Beloved Savior and may not yet know these things.
He also came to restore the kingdom. Our part is to repent. It's not just about your sins being covered because of Him paying our debt. We have to stop sinning too. That means we need to know what HE says sin is. Repent means to turn back to. You cannot repent to something that you believe no longer applies. So many believe certain things in His word no longer applies to believers today. And don't forget, even the devils believe. So belief alone is not enough witness to our being saved from eternal death.
From creation our heavenly Father has had a plan for His kingdom. No matter how sincere we are in our worship of Him, if it's not in His plan, we should trade it for what is.
With a voice of love...
If you think worshiping our Messiah is about watching the sun come up after you've offended your children and lied to them about egg laying rabbits, and the center of your meal (in celebration of all of this) is a big ole hunk of swine butt, well..... what bible are you reading? HE is the WORD made flesh. NONE of that stuff describes HIM.
He said remember His death and not to mix worship of Him with ways that have been historically appointed to false gods. He does not change. He was our Passover Lamb. Not a Easter Ham. While it's the bread and wine that represent His body and blood, somehow having swine in celebration of our Perfect Beloved just doesn't make anymore sense to me now that He has opened my understanding more. But regardless of what makes sense to "ME" or any other person, it is something that HE declared was unclean from the beginning. His death and resurrection was not about changing the purpose of the pig. Or ANY other unclean animal. I know the verses that are used to try and justify it all being clean now. But those are just some of the misinterpreted ones , as Peter notes, that are bringing about destruction to some.
We MUST give time to prayer and study or we can easily be deceived. And just because someone has spent years or decades in a school or some other institution supposedly learning what's in the bible, that doesn't mean they are learning the whole truth. We are clearly warned of false teachers appearing as angels of light. That means they will look the part but will not necessarily be teaching the whole truth. And that could be in church buildings, colleges, seminaries, etc etc. We have to be like the Bereans.
****Then: Exo_23:15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread:
****Now: 1Co_5:8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
See? Nowhere does He ever say we can stop keeping HIS appointed times that testify of Him. Or else that would mean anyone could come up with anything and we'd be a bunch of mixed up and divided people. JUST LIKE WE ARE! He says a divided house cannot stand. Even Paul said not to let anyone judge us in keeping the appointed times and observances given by YHWH.
Even so, Messiah Y'shua TRUMPS anything we misinterpret.
Jots and tittles are still applicable. Heaven and earth have not passed away. smile emoticon
Mat_5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
To all who celebrate our Beloved Messiah, may we all seek the sincere word of truth and may we all desire to become one with Him accordingly.
In love,
your sister in Messiah Y'shua/Jesus

Monday, March 23, 2015

Half Cocked for the Kingdom

You know what's really sad? YHWH's people are suppose to be a light to the world. (And for those who don't get it yet, I'm not talking about JUST the "Jews" whether they are in the land or not). I'm speaking of ALL of the tribes AND the whosoevers that have joined themselves by His covenant.
A light that shows HE IS. We are to follow His kingdom rules as best we can while scattered. And we should not accept or practice evil. But that does not mean we should be evil our selves in the face of it? There is just as much disruption, hate, and division amongst those who profess to believe as it is in the world. So what does the world have to be attracted to when it comes to those purporting His kingdom? We are just as sick and diseased, we are just as angry and impatient, we are just as messed up as the rest of the world.
None of us are living in a kingdom where the leader upholds YHWH's instructions, not even in Israel is His rules completely upheld as instructed. So it is quite obvious we will encounter those who do not agree with us. And YHWH gave each of us freedom of choice. Unless we are in the land under His complete rule, we should just mind our own business and let others live their lives as they choose. Defend your life, but get out of others.
Let YHWH judge them if that's His will and Let Him judge us as well. We shall be known by our fruits.
With that said, what I'm really hoping though, is, that this new awakening that's been going on now for several years is what will really begin to set us apart as it should be as best it can while we are still scattered throughout the nations. I believe it will.
BUT, we still need to get over ourselves in all of this new stuff we are learning and behaving as though we have arrived. We ain't there yet. I'm still trying to figure out why I got so angry at people doing some of the very things that I've done all of my life when He first started revealing I had been deceived by mans teachings. I finally know better but why did I get so upset at seeing it in others? Anger at my self maybe for being so deceived? Maybe. But that does not make it right. We don't shake enough dust off. And most of us go out fully cocked without the leading of the Spirit. Even Paul was on a hiatus for at least 3 years being taught by the Spirit before he set out to witness.
I guess I post this because I see I'm coming to some rightness in it all. FINALLY. Personalities sure get in the way.
Anyway, may we all give the reigns to our Master so He can finally lead us to the promised land.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Old Fully Revealed in the New

It doesn't matter what you blame it on. YHWH says if you disobey Him, especially those who have said they will "follow" Him, He will bring on the curses that He said He would. And if you STILL continue to disobey Him, He will exponentially INCREASE those curses. Go read Deut 28: starting with verse 15. And see if you cannot figure out that some of those very things are what is happening to the very ones who claim to be His this day. And it keeps getting worse.
Our Messiah, Y'shua/Jesus, did NOT come to rebel against what Father said and encourage us to do the same. He came to restore us BACK TO what Father said after paying the debt we owed for straying from it. And just because you've been entrenched in a belief system all of your life does not make that belief true. No matter how much you "feel" it is good. Nor does the fact that a large majority feels the same way make it true. Remember the truth is a narrow path in this world not followed by many. It's not popular at all.
"Paul" seems to be the go to guy to try and justify what ends up being disobedience to Father's instructions by that majority. But even Peter said his letters would be misinterpreted. He is one of the most misinterpreted writers that were canonized.
And since Paul and his words sets the standard for so many, have you done what he said here?: "Rom 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law."
Well, have you? Have you established YHWH's instructions in your life yet? Or are you still believing the lie that you can do whatever you want as long as you somehow "love people" and "love God" however "you feel" like? Because, the truth is, His instructions are the very things He gives us to show us how TO love Him and our neighbor. He never said it was something we'd accomplish with our own hearts or feelings. He even says our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked.
Y'shua/Jesus never said, "Never mind my Sabbaths, but don't forget to pay (tythe) your pastor. As if we can plug a few choice things from His instructions while neglecting others. I think the pastors have learned a sneaky thing being able to convince a congregation to abide by that commandment and give up part of their paychecks and yet neglect the very thing YHWH says is a sign of His people, His Sabbaths.
People get hung up and think the "old testament" is only about bloody sacrifices and stoning. And maybe a few good "stories" they like to teach the children in Sunday school. In Truth, it is the very Word of YHWH; That which Y'shua/Jesus became the walking flesh manifestation of. He did not do away with the very thing He represented.
The foundation is in no way retracted, made void, or replaced by the very revealing of it. And that is exactly what the writings of what we call the "New Testament" is. It is the revealing, as intended by Father, by the manifestation and life of Y'shua Messiah. He shows us how to live it out both physically and spiritual. To believe He came to do something different than Father Yah is to make Him out to be a rebel child and not the Son of the living Elohim.

The foundation written in what we refer to as the "Old Testament" is fully revealed in what we refer to as the "New Testament".  Neither cancels the other.