Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let Him Live

So many blindly refuse to let our Savior live. So to speak.

They unknowingly keep Him nailed to the cross when they foolishly claim that the law/instructions were nailed to the cross while refusing to follow Him by living out those words in their own life.
They can't comprehend that those laws/instructions and the Messiah Yahshua are one and the same. Hence the "word made flesh".

And sadly when most are informed of their error, instead of being Berean and searching the matter out like one would do, who really cared about pleasing Yahweh our Father, they rudely accuse the informer of all sorts of ridiculous accusations.

It was not His perfect will which is found in His law that was nailed away. It was the debt we owe. That is the "ordinances" that were against us. He didn't wipe out all that Our Father said to obey; The very instructions that set us apart from the world.
But that's what so many foolishly believe. I use to believe that way too, just as deeply as anyone. But Father has opened my eyes and now I see it just as plain as day in His words.
I understand now how people can be blind to the Messiah or even to the very words one uses to try and justify what they believe no matter how wrong it is. I have done it myself.
Father Yahweh has the power to cause one to see the truth or not. And I believe it is that deep inner desire to love Him and please Him and diligently seeking after Him that's the key. After all, He did say "seek and you will find". And yes, most definitely, He knows the heart. He knows the ones who are really seeking after Him from those that just give lip service.
I'm so thankful that He has blessed me with eyes to see. Indeed His words are a light to the path I walk in this life. And by the death and resurrection of Yahshua I am blessed with His indwelling Spirit that has set me free from the bondage of sin and now I delight in learning and obeying my Father's instructions for living a set apart life. I am free indeed. Free to love and obey Him. No longer bound by the lies of Satan and following the ways of the world that leads to destruction.

Teachings of His "law" being "nailed to the cross" is one of the biggest doctrines taught in Christianity. And that's why they look and behave so much like the world. They've laid aside those precious words that define the Father's will. Instead they are merely following after what someone else has rehashed and taught from twisted versions of that word of truth. Satan is proud no doubt. He too likes twisted versions of the truth. It makes his lies more acceptable. Adam and Eve can tell you about that.
It is error to think that Messiah Yahshua did away with the written instructions. The change in the law as told in the book of Hebrews was in the priesthood, not the Fathers perfect will as found in that written word. And according to His own words spoken in the flesh, He said "till heaven and earth pass away not one jot and not one tittle would pass from the law until all be fulfilled". If you take a look around, heaven and earth are still going. And if you Know anything about prophesy you should know He has not returned yet nor has all that is prophesied come to pass yet.

Learning and obeying the instructions given by Father Yahweh, which is doing or following what Yahshua did, is not a doctrine of trying to earn ones salvation through works. Although there are some that probably teach it that way just like that certain sect of pharisees written about in the book of Acts.
But rather is an honor and a privilege to learn and know those commands given by Father Yahweh. Those commandments are the covenant vows between Him and His set apart people. Keeping and guarding them are what sets one apart from the rest of the world. How else can one be called His people if they are not following His kingdom law. Trusting and having faith in Yahshua as Messiah does not dismiss or excuse one from following the rules of the kingdom they wish to belong to. In fact, obeying those commands as best as one understands them are the result of that faith.

If you're not at least trying to learn of His will then I fear for you. Are you following a "religion" designed by man or the same life that our Savior did that is the perfect will of our Father. How can you claim to be a follower of one and not do as they did? If you claim to be a follower of our Savior you need to learn and live the life that He actually lived instead of just boasting of "knowing" Him while refusing to do anything He did.

Learn to be a light to the world by allowing our Savior to live through you by living the life He lived by applying the word of truth to your daily life.

Let Him live.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Are You?

Are you so busy working your job to supply your "needs" that you forget who the Great Provider is?

Are you so busy going to "church" and being "involved" and adhering to "it's doctrine" that you are not learning the instructions of our Awesome and loving Father -the instructions He provided for those who wish to be called His?

Are you trying to fit into this world so desperately that you are forgetting about storing up for the kingdom of heaven and seeking Yah knowing He will reward those who do?

Are you so offended by words like this that you are missing the whole point?

Well then...

Maybe you should start obeying Father's desire for you to meet with Him on "HIS" appointed Sabbath to take rest from "your will" and learn of His.
Keeping His Sabbath is one of the commands included when He says: "If you love me keep my commandments".

It would only make since to obey the one you "claim" to love and obey.


Are you?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Love Not the World"

Yahshua/Jesus said love not the world nor the things in it. He said to follow Him/be like Him. So what do most get busy doing that have the freedom to worship Yahweh Almighty with all their being ? They get all busy about everything that "society and popularity" says is right "Do this, be that, live like this, get a career like that, wear this, tolerate that" and so on and so forth. And they do it all with fervent zeal as though this is the only life they will ever know.

Don't dare tell them something in scripture that is an actual command from Yah but is contrary to their lifestyle. They'll get all ruffled and accuse you of "judging" or being a "holier than thou know it all"; "An accuser condemning them to hell doing Satan's work".
Their summary on faith is "Jesus died for me and the gospel says I'm free. I don't have to worry about a thing so don't be telling me something about what the bible says. I've read the bible". And so on and so forth they proclaim.
I have really got to get my eyes to quit thinking that it's the outward appearance that determines a person's worth. No it is NOT what's on the outside, with all the worldliness it glorifies, BUT that which is on the inside first. The rain falls and the sun shines on the just and unjust alike.

Saints are clearly defined as more than just "believers". Saints are called those who have the testimony of Yahshua/Jesus AND obey the commandments. They are NOT the ones who spend more time trying to justify their sinful life instead of actually seeking the will of the one who gives them that life.
They are NOT the ones who think it a strange thing of those who do spend their days studying scripture with a zeal that is equal to theirs for the ways of the world. The saints love the family of Yah and seek to be with them and continue to grow and learn of His will while forsaking the ways of the world.

I'm learning to take inventory occasionally on just exactly what my daily life reflects of me?
Am I growing in worldliness or am I growing in the knowledge of the word. That word that was made flesh? They are one and the same. Too many these days only choose one version.
The word was given in the beginning. That word teaches us how to live a set apart life unto Yahweh through covenant commands. Yahshua/Jesus came to relieve us of the debt we owed for breaking that covenant. He also came to show us how to better live those commands from the heart and not just go through the motion.
The majority who claim they "know Him", wrongly believe that Yahshua came to relieve them of the commands in that covenant. They think they are "set free" from "those old testament laws" as it's so frequently called.
They are just as blind as the ones who refuse to accept that Yahshua is the Messiah who came in the flesh. When I learned that truth I thought it quite ironic. One brother pointing at the other as though he's got it all wrong while the other is pointing right back thinking the same thing. Praise Yahweh for reaching out His long arm of mercy and favor on a stubborn and unworthy people. All who will come will come with a repentive heart that desires the truth and those that seek will find.

I had said I was not gonna' make it my business to try and "convince" others any longer of some of the lies we have inherited while sharing the truth. And that's not what I'm trying to do here. I just get a lot on my mind and need to let it out sometimes and writing it down has always given me a good release.

I really get overwhelmed at times when I take a look around, and so many who profess to know our Messiah, are still clueless to what His very word actually says.
A mighty awakening is going on the whole world over as Yahweh moves to stir His called out from their long slumber. I hurt for those I love who are too busy with this world to even notice His call. And even more so for those who assume they have it all figured out and have no more need to hear on the matter and get offended when you try to share more with them in love.

2Co_6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith YHWH, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

1Jn_2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Joh_15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

My desire is Father Yahweh's desire. That all would be saved. I pray their eyes will open and their ears will hear the call of the Great Shepherd as He gathers His sheep in these last days.

Peace to Jerusalem and all of the set apart.

Friday, July 8, 2011

His Sabbath Day, Not Another

Exo_31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am YHWH that doth sanctify you.

Exo_31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

Is Yahweh's word truth are not? Does He set the standards are not? If it's a kingdom He is building do you not know that a kingdom has standards and rules for order? Or else you get the moral standard of what you see in the world today. A bunch of folks running around doing what is right in their own minds. Acclaims of the right way that are made up of about a gazillion different versions of the "truth". It really flies in the face of one God, one law and one people.

The truth is there is only ONE WAY on ONE PATH and it's narrow and it's contrary to the broad road of the world.
There is ONE God, ONE law (or set of instructions) for ONE people. And it's really not that complicated.
The summary of the instructions of Yahweh are to love the ONE God with all of your heart, and to love your neighbor as you love your self. That is broken down a bit further into the ten commandments. The first half of those ten relates to loving Yahweh. The second half relates to loving your neighbor. Those can be broken down even further. All of the first five books of scripture and the prophetic books, along with the writings and the teachings in the latter part all come together to further explain the way our heavenly Father desires that we commune and live with Him and with one another. Thus how to get along, or how to love. It really isn't complicated at all.
If we are not going by how He says to love then we are each following what is right in our own minds. You cannot have unity and like-mindedness if everyone is following their own made up standard.
But the enemy has managed to get most to believe that the majority of those words in the book we call the Bible, the very foundation of this faith, are no longer applicable as though it's a strange thing to follow. However we wholeheartedly claim all the blesses that we read in it while jumping over the instructions that proceed those blessings.

The enemy knows that information in that book all too well. And that is exactly what he has been busy trying to destroy. He's done a pretty good job of it too. Destroying the simplicity of the gospel and the path that leads to the kingdom eternal. So many don't realize that the truth , in their view, has been so marred that what they so deeply feel is "right" is just simply wrong. Sincerity does not make a thing right.

Do you not know that if Yahshua had changed even the weekly Sabbath He would have been a false Messiah?

Why is it so hard for our human minds or hearts to even consider that we may have been taught scripture from a twisted view just as Peter, in his second epistle, said would happen with some of Paul's writings? Which in turn would be lies. Inherited lies just as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah. Pride maybe?

You either follow His appointed day which has been the same from the beginning, or you are following one that was established under some other authority. There is only one set of instructions for one people in Yah's kingdom. And if you believe there are two different set of instructions, as though He has two different sets of families, you have believed a lie. But even worse are those who think it doesn't matter. As though Yahshua's death made it possible for them to continue in sin (transgression of the law) instead of the call to repent (to turn back to the law or ways of the Father) Yahshua's death in our stead took away the penalty we deserve NOT the instructions of Yahweh's heart.

If He says it's a sign between Him and His people surely He gets to choose the day on which it will be observed. He is not the author of confusion so it goes without saying that it cannot be just any ole' day that anyone chooses of their own free will.

So for anyone out there that has not already given this commandment consideration please make it a point to seek out the truth on the matter according to what Yah said from the very beginning.

And do not be so ignorant as to take one or two verses from the scriptures to justify doing whatever you please. Messiah Yahshua came to teach and amplify what Father Yahweh had already established. He clearly says He did not come to destroy the law. If He says He did not come to destroy the law, which are the set apart rules for Yah's kingdom, then we should not go around misquoting scripture as though He did.
We must search the scriptures as the Bereans did. We must rightly divide the word of truth without running with one verse and removing it from it's intended context. We must study to show ourselves approved.
Seek His face while He still may be found.

May all who will have a blessed Shabbat on this HIS SABBATH and not another.