Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Whole Counsel of YHWH Sets Us Apart

If you believe YHWH/God is good, and love, why don't you believe He has serious and detailed instructions for us to follow in this life that HE created and gave to us? A good and loving father will give time to his children. He will give them instructions on what is best and how best to do a thing. Why would anyone believe YHWH/God has given us this life and then expects us to do what is right in our own minds, especially after letting us know that our flesh is against His will right from the start from the first fall of man?
I know from experience that many believe that "love God with all of your heart and your neighbor as you love your self" is the only thing required since the advent of Messiah; As if He brought a new thing other than what the Father gave us. The problem with that is, without the details, everyone is left believing "their heart" will make the right choice. Hence the well known saying, "He knows my heart".
When you read in scripture that "the whole law hangs on those two", "love YHWH/God with all of your heart, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as you love your self", you need to understand that what it is saying is, the only way you can accomplish that summation is to follow the whole law; With mercy of course.
You cannot go blindly through life assuming you'll get it right because you "believe" (even the devils believe), or since you go to church on Sundays ( the devil goes too) and a whole host of other reasonings we might come up with in this flesh. Our measuring stick is the whole counsel of YHWH; ALL of HIS instructions for HIS set apart people. Granted there are changes since we don't have the priesthood in order and there is no temple but our bodies. But murder is still murder, stealing is still stealing, unclean animals are still unclean, not remembering the Sabbath is still neglecting it, and serving idols rather than YHWH is still serving idols.
You are NOT set apart if you are blending so well with the world that you make them feel welcome just as they are. No No. You can "come as you are" but change is definitely required. Repenting is in order for every single one of us. It is not our call to make the Truth more palatable. You cannot change the lyrics of a song to "help" others like it more. Or else it is no longer the song you desired they like in the first place.
The word of YHWH is true and He does not change. We either accept it or not. His word is His instructions to us, His set apart people. We follow it to set us apart from the rest of the world. Otherwise you are of the world and none of His.
It's that simple.

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