Thursday, August 18, 2011

And That's the "Good News"...?

And so the great commission was to go out into all the world and share the "good news".

Which apparently was:

"God's instructions were nailed to the cross.

Worship the Almighty Creator however you want.

Even mix your worship with pagan elements; After all, time has erased their meaning so God don't mind it anymore. I guess He does change for stuff like that.

There are no set apart days anymore; That stuff about the Sabbath being a “sign forever” was just temporary.

Those animals that eat refuge and other diseased things that were created to help clean up things on this earth magically become clean and designed for human consumption, when they enter through the mouth so eat whatever you want.

Put all of your efforts into gaining riches. You know? Being worldly and living the “American Dream”.

Love means tolerate anything; So don't go hating or avoiding anybody for their sexual preference or whatever they do that’s different than you.

All you really gotta' do is believe; Just like the devils believe.

You really, really don't have to be holy, “set-apart” from the world. Just blend in and follow whatever everybody else does. It's all good."

Just remember to say your prayers every now and then. Pay the pastors and evangelists good salaries since they do all the seeking on your behalf. Just overlook that little part in the NEW word of God in 1 Timothy about there being no mediator between you and God except “the man Christ Jesus”. We got pastors now that do that kinda’ stuff for us. Saves us a lot of time and trouble.

Because all that really matters is that you love God. If you get that mushie feeling inside then you’re good to go. But loving Him is not according to how “He” says it in those instructions, the Torah; The ones that He gave us because He loves us and wants us to be blessed. You know? Those instructions that King David exalted and wrote so much about in the Psalms? Psalms 119 The whole chapter!
No No! Don't go by those instructions.
Just love Him however you decide!
And love your neighbor as you love yourself. Again not according to God's instructions since they were “done away”, just whatever you decide. Or just figure it out as you go.

And that's fulfilling ALL the “law” just like Jesus did right? And if we do just like he did we can rightly call ourselves his followers.

Wasn’t all that “law” stuff called our “school master” anyway, which was just to lead us to what we needed all along?; The Savior.
And you know what we do when school is out? Throw out everything we learn! Never use it again! And forget about it! Right?

Just never mind that the prophet Jeremiah said that God would write it all on our hearts. We know that it was all nailed to the cross.

And that’s the “good news”!


I do hope that it is understood that I wrote this being rather facetious. And trying to bring to light how the truth has been twisted and distorted to appear as though it is the very opposite of what it truly is.

: /

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