Exo_31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am YHWH that doth sanctify you.
Exo_31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
Is Yahweh's word truth are not? Does He set the standards are not? If it's a kingdom He is building do you not know that a kingdom has standards and rules for order? Or else you get the moral standard of what you see in the world today. A bunch of folks running around doing what is right in their own minds. Acclaims of the right way that are made up of about a gazillion different versions of the "truth". It really flies in the face of one God, one law and one people.
The truth is there is only ONE WAY on ONE PATH and it's narrow and it's contrary to the broad road of the world.
There is ONE God, ONE law (or set of instructions) for ONE people. And it's really not that complicated.
The summary of the instructions of Yahweh are to love the ONE God with all of your heart, and to love your neighbor as you love your self. That is broken down a bit further into the ten commandments. The first half of those ten relates to loving Yahweh. The second half relates to loving your neighbor. Those can be broken down even further. All of the first five books of scripture and the prophetic books, along with the writings and the teachings in the latter part all come together to further explain the way our heavenly Father desires that we commune and live with Him and with one another. Thus how to get along, or how to love. It really isn't complicated at all.
If we are not going by how He says to love then we are each following what is right in our own minds. You cannot have unity and like-mindedness if everyone is following their own made up standard.
But the enemy has managed to get most to believe that the majority of those words in the book we call the Bible, the very foundation of this faith, are no longer applicable as though it's a strange thing to follow. However we wholeheartedly claim all the blesses that we read in it while jumping over the instructions that proceed those blessings.
The enemy knows that information in that book all too well. And that is exactly what he has been busy trying to destroy. He's done a pretty good job of it too. Destroying the simplicity of the gospel and the path that leads to the kingdom eternal. So many don't realize that the truth , in their view, has been so marred that what they so deeply feel is "right" is just simply wrong. Sincerity does not make a thing right.
Do you not know that if Yahshua had changed even the weekly Sabbath He would have been a false Messiah?
Why is it so hard for our human minds or hearts to even consider that we may have been taught scripture from a twisted view just as Peter, in his second epistle, said would happen with some of Paul's writings? Which in turn would be lies. Inherited lies just as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah. Pride maybe?
You either follow His appointed day which has been the same from the beginning, or you are following one that was established under some other authority. There is only one set of instructions for one people in Yah's kingdom. And if you believe there are two different set of instructions, as though He has two different sets of families, you have believed a lie. But even worse are those who think it doesn't matter. As though Yahshua's death made it possible for them to continue in sin (transgression of the law) instead of the call to repent (to turn back to the law or ways of the Father) Yahshua's death in our stead took away the penalty we deserve NOT the instructions of Yahweh's heart.
If He says it's a sign between Him and His people surely He gets to choose the day on which it will be observed. He is not the author of confusion so it goes without saying that it cannot be just any ole' day that anyone chooses of their own free will.
So for anyone out there that has not already given this commandment consideration please make it a point to seek out the truth on the matter according to what Yah said from the very beginning.
And do not be so ignorant as to take one or two verses from the scriptures to justify doing whatever you please. Messiah Yahshua came to teach and amplify what Father Yahweh had already established. He clearly says He did not come to destroy the law. If He says He did not come to destroy the law, which are the set apart rules for Yah's kingdom, then we should not go around misquoting scripture as though He did.
We must search the scriptures as the Bereans did. We must rightly divide the word of truth without running with one verse and removing it from it's intended context. We must study to show ourselves approved.
Seek His face while He still may be found.
May all who will have a blessed Shabbat on this HIS SABBATH and not another.
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