I am adjusting to my level of growth. I am a student, not a teacher. I'm letting go of some of the things that I have let burden me. I'm gonna' relax in the yoke of Yahshua and let Him be Yah.
I have always made posts as though I'm trying to convince others of the truth in scripture.
I'm gonna' try earnestly to steer away from that burden.
I'm not gonna' try and convince others we are to continue obeying the instructions of our heavenly Father even after the death and resurrection of Yahshua/Jesus, just as scripture actually says.
I'm not gonna' make it my daily mission anymore to convince anyone that we are still commissioned to be an orderly and obedient family.
I'm not gonna' keep trying to convince others that the words of Yahshua are very true when He said “think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets, I have not come to destroy; I have come to fulfill it”. And I'm not gonna' keep trying to convince them that "fulfill" does not mean it's done away but brought to it's complete understanding.
And that the verse “Yahshua is the end of the law” means goal or purpose and NOT no more applicable.
I'm not gonna' try and convince anyone anymore that Paul was very clear when he said we do not make the law void but we establish it in our lives.
I'm not gonna' try and convince others that the death burial and resurrection doesn't make void the law but gives us the Spirit whereby we are capable of keeping it and doing it with a joyful heart.
I'm not gonna' keep trying to convince others that even though they can run to scripture and pull out a verse that seemingly says we no longer have to keep the law of Moses (as it is sometimes called) but instead it is just a twisted version just as Peter said would happen concerning the writings of Paul which are exactly the kind of verses that people do this with.
And furthermore, it doesn't matter that a nice old man said so from a pulpit on a Sunday morning because nice old people can learn wrong too.
I'm not gonna' make it my daily mission anymore to convince others that without the instructions of Yah, we only go about establishing our own righteousness of which we are told is NOT righteousness with Yah.
I'm done. It's not for me to wrestle with flesh and blood.
If one doesn't want to follow Yahweh's instructions for living a set apart life.... well... they can choose to stay in the dark if they want to but I'm moving on.
I'm not a prophet but the word says even a prophet is not accepted in his own town. I have learned in life that I can tell family or friend something and they treat it as though it's a foreign thing or just not true.
But you let a stranger tell them the exact same thing and they behave as though angels from heaven beamed in and told them and behave as though it's the first time they've heard the matter.
That's fine though. I am only commissioned to be a light in this dark world. It is not for me to convince someone that the word of Yah still stands true today. The apostles were commissioned to go make “disciples” or students of the word, not teachers. Teaching is a gift of the Spirit of Yah of which I do not have.
My zeal to share the truth has not always been timely. I'm having to learn more patience in sharing... with who, what, when and where.
I'm a student and I'm gonna' mind my own studying and quit worrying about those that don't even want the knowledge that is offered by our Creator.
People will pay somebody to tell them how to think, look and function in this world but still insist that the Almighty Yah's instructions are not applicable and will even go so far as to call it bondage.
Being taught to live a righteous set apart life, which is the definition of holy, is in no way, shape or form “bondage”. But because of a lack of love for the truth many are deceived and have believed the lie.
I'm moving on. I will always be willing to help anyone who also has a desire to seek the truth and the patience to rightly divide that word of truth.
But my time is precious and I will not give it to someone who seeks to justify disobedience of our Holy Father.
It is the Spirit of Yah that draws someone to Him and His will. Why should I even fret over another, outside of praying for them. I needn't feel responsible for convincing everyone I know. That would be a burden indeed.
We are instructed to not cast our pearls before swine. I consider them swine who do not wish to even learn of our Holy Father's instructions. And like the prodigal son, until he wishes to get out of the mire, he's made his home in that pen where nothing grows.
My place is in the light. Where the river of living waters flow. Where the tree of life is planted. Where growth is sure and abundant. Where I am sustained.
The path is narrow which leads this way. But so worth the effort.
It's so liberating in Yahshua to shed some of this I have been toting around. His yoke is light indeed. I have pulled my own way but I'm learning how much easier it is to just let HIM be Yah. I'm liberated in His yoke.
Shalom to Jerusalem and all that is His.
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