Yahshua/Jesus said love not the world nor the things in it. He said to follow Him/be like Him. So what do most get busy doing that have the freedom to worship Yahweh Almighty with all their being ? They get all busy about everything that "society and popularity" says is right "Do this, be that, live like this, get a career like that, wear this, tolerate that" and so on and so forth. And they do it all with fervent zeal as though this is the only life they will ever know.
Don't dare tell them something in scripture that is an actual command from Yah but is contrary to their lifestyle. They'll get all ruffled and accuse you of "judging" or being a "holier than thou know it all"; "An accuser condemning them to hell doing Satan's work".
Their summary on faith is "Jesus died for me and the gospel says I'm free. I don't have to worry about a thing so don't be telling me something about what the bible says. I've read the bible". And so on and so forth they proclaim.
I have really got to get my eyes to quit thinking that it's the outward appearance that determines a person's worth. No it is NOT what's on the outside, with all the worldliness it glorifies, BUT that which is on the inside first. The rain falls and the sun shines on the just and unjust alike.
Saints are clearly defined as more than just "believers". Saints are called those who have the testimony of Yahshua/Jesus AND obey the commandments. They are NOT the ones who spend more time trying to justify their sinful life instead of actually seeking the will of the one who gives them that life.
They are NOT the ones who think it a strange thing of those who do spend their days studying scripture with a zeal that is equal to theirs for the ways of the world. The saints love the family of Yah and seek to be with them and continue to grow and learn of His will while forsaking the ways of the world.
I'm learning to take inventory occasionally on just exactly what my daily life reflects of me?
Am I growing in worldliness or am I growing in the knowledge of the word. That word that was made flesh? They are one and the same. Too many these days only choose one version.
The word was given in the beginning. That word teaches us how to live a set apart life unto Yahweh through covenant commands. Yahshua/Jesus came to relieve us of the debt we owed for breaking that covenant. He also came to show us how to better live those commands from the heart and not just go through the motion.
The majority who claim they "know Him", wrongly believe that Yahshua came to relieve them of the commands in that covenant. They think they are "set free" from "those old testament laws" as it's so frequently called.
They are just as blind as the ones who refuse to accept that Yahshua is the Messiah who came in the flesh. When I learned that truth I thought it quite ironic. One brother pointing at the other as though he's got it all wrong while the other is pointing right back thinking the same thing. Praise Yahweh for reaching out His long arm of mercy and favor on a stubborn and unworthy people. All who will come will come with a repentive heart that desires the truth and those that seek will find.
I had said I was not gonna' make it my business to try and "convince" others any longer of some of the lies we have inherited while sharing the truth. And that's not what I'm trying to do here. I just get a lot on my mind and need to let it out sometimes and writing it down has always given me a good release.
I really get overwhelmed at times when I take a look around, and so many who profess to know our Messiah, are still clueless to what His very word actually says.
A mighty awakening is going on the whole world over as Yahweh moves to stir His called out from their long slumber. I hurt for those I love who are too busy with this world to even notice His call. And even more so for those who assume they have it all figured out and have no more need to hear on the matter and get offended when you try to share more with them in love.
2Co_6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith YHWH, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
1Jn_2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Joh_15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
My desire is Father Yahweh's desire. That all would be saved. I pray their eyes will open and their ears will hear the call of the Great Shepherd as He gathers His sheep in these last days.
Peace to Jerusalem and all of the set apart.
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