Sunday, November 30, 2014

The World Abuzz

It needs to be considered why we do not see the gospel of scripture in a positive way on the cover of every newspaper across the globe. And yet, we see the signs of "Christmas" already taking over just a few weeks ago. Local newspapers and magazines, and in every store you go into, the whole world is abuzz about this big, big time of year.
So where in scripture does it say the whole world would be abuzz about doing the will of God , especially in these wicked days?
Remember the reference about deception and the broad and narrow paths.
Remember false teachings that lead people astray and after the things of the world instead of the pure things of our Savior.
Remember how our enemy draws us away with things that are appealing to the flesh; The eyes, the ears, all of our senses, and even our hearts. Yep. That is why YHWH has given us instructions to live by. It's like a blueprint for living the life He desires for us as His people, with the blood of Y'shua making us perfect in His sight. Without which, we would not be complete.

When we steer off and start doing our own things in our own ways, even things we say are unto Him, or for Him, regardless of how we feel "in our hearts", we risk making our own golden calf, and offering YHWH strange fire. So unless we believe Y'shua did away with Father's instructions, and made it fine for someone to sacrifice a baby unto Him, or some other strange thing that passed people have done unto their strange gods, we need to see none of us can do whatever we want unto Him and we need to get back to following what HE says to do. And that includes annual celebrations no matter how long they've been going on. The safest things to do are the ones He instructed in the first place. They are still very much shadow pictures and/or memorials of truth.

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