Why does it bother "ME" when I take a stand for my walk and try to clean up around my trolling zone?
Why does it feel bad to "ME" for shining the light if it happens to fall on another and expose some of their deeds?
Why does it feel so rotten to "ME", when I'm sure "they" continue to justify their own actions as though "God" accepts what is outright purposeful sin because their understanding of His love is based on some philosophical mumbo jumbo, touchy feely mess that tolerates anything in this world for the sake of fitting in?
Why does it all bother "ME" if I feel I have rocked "their" boat?
Why does it feel at times that what I perceive to be meant by "guard your heart" in scripture, is so horrible to execute in this world? A world that I must live in till the end?
I fear sometimes that I'm complaining like those in the wilderness when they were thinking of how "good" they thought they had it in Egypt even though they were in bondage. They remembered how they had plenty of tasty food and other provisions. They remember how certain things were not even an issue in their daily lives.
I remember how "live and let live" was so easy. And following my own interpretation of "God" and his will was not that big a deal. Where "love" and "living right" was not really that big a deal. It was all about just live and love no matter what somebody thinks, believes are does.
I feel this, and yet know that where I am now and all that I have learned has brought me so much closer to where I long to be.
But I still ask...
Why does it have to seem so hard at times?
Why does it hurt "ME", if "I'm" on the right track?
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