In honor of Mothers day I would like to share an attribute I admire in my Mother.
She has a certain strength about her.
I'm not referring to what most would think of when thinking of strength in a Mother. Not that she doesn't have that but what I speak of is different.
The kind of strength I refer to is of a rare kind.
It's a strength that many would be too reluctant to even desire.
Mothers the world over are being honored today for all of the wonderful things they have done for their children. But this day and time too much of that is defined by the amount of "worldliness" that can be provided.
But what of the Mothers that are strong enough to go against the grain of the world?
Not having to "fit in" in every single way. Not needing that cookie cutter lifestyle that has been dubbed the "American Dream".
Many are waking up to the truth we have been blind to. Recognizing we have not been taught the faith that was once delivered to the saints. And instead of following the scriptures as intended, we have only been following the traditions of man all backed by a highly commercialized world that likes to convince us that we are mean or wicked if we don't let our children partake of it all.
So what of the Mothers who are strong enough to lay tradition aside and follow the truth? Those mothers that are willing to teach the truth to their children instead of a bunch of made up stories, which is only a nice way of saying lies, just to give a kid a thrill and "fit in" with the rest of the world. And that's probably more so the mother won't look bad to the others. The, "I" don't want "my" kid to be left out ... what would the rest of "my" family or "my" friends think of "me", kinda' reasoning? Who is it really for, the child or the parent?
What of the mothers who love their children enough to share the unpopular truth of the scriptures. No matter if the world does shun them and think they're strange are accusing them of robbing their children of some "worldly" fun?
I know all of my Mothers' children are grown now, but she is one that is seeing the truth and instead of trying to make up excuses to continue with the rest of the world and stay in that comfort zone, she has accepted the truth and is adjusting her life accordingly.
This is the kind of strength I'm speaking of. And I have to believe that if her children were still small that she would have done the same. Love us enough to tell the truth no matter how much it hurt or didn't "fit in" with what the majority would have done. That's what real love does. Real love chooses the best route for any occasion over what's expected or "right" in the eyes of the "world".
Strength enough to go against the grain of the popular ways of the world. Even some of the most favored traditions within a family can't topple this strength.
So many mothers have taken pride in giving their children all of the worldly frills, while many haven't given a second thought to the fact that truly "scriptural" people are not of this world no matter where they live. And they are rather about the business of learning and teaching their children the ways of another kingdom. The kingdom lifestyle of Yahweh.
In the end we see this kind of strength is really a result of love. However, not the kind of love that the world portrays. But a love that is built on truth.
This is exactly the kind of people Yahweh welcomes into His family when they are willing to choose His ways above the world. No matter how much it goes against the grain.
So, to all the moms out there that have committed to truth over traditions, I pray you will continue to be strengthened and increasing in the knowledge of the truth. And to those who have not yet crossed over, I pray your time has come.
I love you Mom. And so glad we are sisters in Yahshua.
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