YHWH/God, His instructions/commandments, or Torah, is His word. Y'shua was that Word made flesh. When you deny His Torah, you deny Him. Confessing you "believe" should be followed by adapting your life to living those words just as Y'shua reiterated while here in the flesh; Which actually made them more binding including the spiritual aspect of it all. To do otherwise is only lip service. For even the devils "believe".
Accepting that Y'shua paid the price you owe does not make way for you to continue in the state you needed saving from. Repent. Return to His instructions instead believing the lie that they no longer matter. Start by keeping the seventh day Sabbath. He made it a part of the very beginning of creation. It is a sign of acknowledging you are His people. Stop believing the twisted versions of scripture that have you deceived and believing a lie. Just because a thing has been practiced for hundreds and hundreds of years does not make it truth. But it is a sure fire way for the truth to get buried in the traditions of man.
Here is just one example of the kind of twisting of scripture that Peter warned about. The verse speaking of one esteeming one day above another and another doing likewise for another day. (Romans 14:5) Many have been taught, or assume, that it is referring to Sabbaths and other appointed times; As if we can all do whatever we come up with. But that is not the topic at hand. Or else the reference in another place in scripture speaking of man doing what is right in his own mind is pointless and contradictory. YHWH is not the author of confusion. Most places where scripture seems to contradict it self is only misinterpreted by man.
The subject being spoken of in Romans was fasting. Read on through verse 6 where it references eating. It's not implying that we can disregard the instructions given to us that are the very instructions that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Or else how are we any different?
It's a learning process. And we are all still learning and growing for as long as we are given life here and now.
There are many other such misinterpretations. Pray for understanding. Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear the Spirit of Truth.
YHWH/God, His instructions/commandments, or Torah, is His word. Y'shua was that Word made flesh. When you deny His Torah, you deny Him. Confessing you "believe" should be followed by adapting your life to living those words just as Y'shua reiterated while here in the flesh; Which actually made them more binding including the spiritual aspect of it all. To do otherwise is only lip service. For even the devils "believe".
Accepting that Y'shua paid the price you owe does not make way for you to continue in the state you needed saving from. Repent. Return to His instructions instead believing the lie that they no longer matter. Start by keeping the seventh day Sabbath. He made it a part of the very beginning of creation. It is a sign of acknowledging you are His people. Stop believing the twisted versions of scripture that have you deceived and believing a lie. Just because a thing has been practiced for hundreds and hundreds of years does not make it truth. But it is a sure fire way for the truth to get buried in the traditions of man.
Here is just one example of the kind of twisting of scripture that Peter warned about. The verse speaking of one esteeming one day above another and another doing likewise for another day. (Romans 14:5) Many have been taught, or assume, that it is referring to Sabbaths and other appointed times; As if we can all do whatever we come up with. But that is not the topic at hand. Or else the reference in another place in scripture speaking of man doing what is right in his own mind is pointless and contradictory. YHWH is not the author of confusion. Most places where scripture seems to contradict it self is only misinterpreted by man.
The subject being spoken of in Romans was fasting. Read on through verse 6 where it references eating. It's not implying that we can disregard the instructions given to us that are the very instructions that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Or else how are we any different?
It's a learning process. And we are all still learning and growing for as long as we are given life here and now.
There are many other such misinterpretations. Pray for understanding. Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear the Spirit of Truth.
Nice blog page.