And THEN the same will begin to mock believers of Y'shua like that's some sort of insane thing. These people seem to take the very things that witness of Y'shua and try to claim that THAT is the thing that makes Him false. Like how the heavens witness of Him. They say "See, it's not about a Messiah, it's a story stolen from the sky", referring to the constellations and the sun etc and the patterns that testify of Y'shua. Or they'll take some ancient pagan god story and say, "See, it's not about Jesus, it's about this mythical god so and so". Notwithstanding that the truth is, yes, Christianity has mixed it's beliefs with some of the mythical pagan things, but today's Christians or mostly ignorant of that. But still, the people I speak of, were once Christian, then claimed they learned the difference of the December Jesus and the Sukkot Y'shua, but as soon as they deny Y'shua they revert back to battling Jesus and all of the very things they claimed they now understood. Of course some do try to toss Y'shua into that lot too. It's a crazy mix to say the least. It is really quite absurd.
And note, I put quotation marks around "studying and researching" because reading a bunch of websites and viewing videos is not necessarily "studying and researching".
Beware people. Deception is like a trick yoyo. It's all over the place and spinning the whole time.
Being too prideful in knowing could very well lead you right into a lie.
Being too prideful in knowing could very well lead you right into a lie.
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