Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sabbath From Creation

The Sabbath is a part of creation just like the pairing of a man and woman together; Just like placing the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens; Just like the course of the seasons. The Sabbath and YHWH's ordained design is very much a part of what we are to repent over; Turn back to.
While loving your neighbor with good deeds and helping the poor and widow are definitely the weightier matters, Y'shua/Jesus made it clear we should still not neglect the whole of His instructions.
Following YHWH's design clearly expresses our love for Him. When we choose and try to justify doing things the way man deems best is nothing but denying Y'shua/Jesus. He is the Word made flesh. When you deny the Word and choose your own way you are denying Him. When you say "that's not what it means to me" or "He knows my heart" along with rejecting what He has clearly instructed, you are denying Him. You are merely doing your own thing. You need to repent. It's really that simple. Love Father YHWH with all of your heart. Not just with what is convenient and praise worthy by man. Man thinks it's awesome that you would do good for a neighbor. But it makes for a narrower walk in this life when you step back onto the plan and design Father YHWH ordained for all mankind.

From "The Berean"
Exodus 20:8-11
(8) "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (9) Six days you shall labor and do all your work, (10) but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. (11) For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
In verse 8, God says "Remember the Sabbath day." Then He tells us that we are to work six days, and the seventh day we are not to work. Verse 11 gives the reason why.
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day [not a seventh day.] Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
This verse firmly establishes the Sabbath as law, a command to be kept. Yet, it is very clear that this law has its roots in Genesis 2:1-3, for there, God set the example in what He did. He rested, and He blessed the seventh day.
God could have rested at any time. Or, we might say, He needed no rest at all. But He rested. God does not grow weary or become tired. He could have ended the creative cycle at the end of the sixth day, but He did not. Creation did not cease at the end of the sixth day. This is a very important concept. The seventh day is also a creation of God. He kept right on creating, only this time He created by not working, by ceasing.
What did He do? He created a period of rest and of holy time. He created a specific period of time: the seventh day. What He created was just as real as the things created on the other six days. Thus, on the Sabbath, creating continued, but it took on a different form in that it was not outwardly visible. The Sabbath symbolizes to man that God is still creating.
— John W. Ritenbaugh

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Pride in "Knowledge" Might Lead to Lies

Honestly, I think some people are so stinking prideful that they end up "studying and researching" their self right into denying, not only Y'shua, but the who bible. It's mind numbing to say the least. When I say "prideful" I mean they just cannot stand the thought of "not knowing a thing", so they go from one thing to the next seeking more and more. I'm not talking of studying scripture and allowing the Spirit of Yah to guide and teach. These people just continue to consume any information that comes along, no matter how nut case it is. They just cannot stand the thought of being one who "doesn't know a thing" evidently. And no matter where it seems to drag them.
And THEN the same will begin to mock believers of Y'shua like that's some sort of insane thing. These people seem to take the very things that witness of Y'shua and try to claim that THAT is the thing that makes Him false. Like how the heavens witness of Him. They say "See, it's not about a Messiah, it's a story stolen from the sky", referring to the constellations and the sun etc and the patterns that testify of Y'shua. Or they'll take some ancient pagan god story and say, "See, it's not about Jesus, it's about this mythical god so and so". Notwithstanding that the truth is, yes, Christianity has mixed it's beliefs with some of the mythical pagan things, but today's Christians or mostly ignorant of that. But still, the people I speak of, were once Christian, then claimed they learned the difference of the December Jesus and the Sukkot Y'shua, but as soon as they deny Y'shua they revert back to battling Jesus and all of the very things they claimed they now understood. Of course some do try to toss Y'shua into that lot too. It's a crazy mix to say the least. It is really quite absurd.
And note, I put quotation marks around "studying and researching" because reading a bunch of websites and viewing videos is not necessarily "studying and researching".

Beware people. Deception is like a trick yoyo. It's all over the place and spinning the whole time.
Being too prideful in knowing could very well lead you right into a lie.