If Yahshua/Jesus did it all perfectly in Father's eyes, why do we say "since He did it perfectly now I don't have to do it at all"? We should rather say "since He did it perfectly, I'm gonna' do my best to live just like He did". And that includes keeping the same appointed times as He kept. His physical life was the Word made flesh. That means He is the walking personification of perfect obedience to that Word. And because WE are NOT perfect is no reason to go about doing our own thing.
It is wrong to say we obey and follow Him to "earn" our salvation. No, He IS our salvation. ALL the MORE REASON to go about our life with the desire to be just like Him.
Sadly we have been raised under the teachings that since He did it perfect for us and paid a debt we owe, now we don't have to. But that's kinda' like saying "since my Daddy paid my speeding ticket for me I can now speed and choose what road laws I wish to obey or change them around to my liking".
It's really gotten so crazy that now we think it's perfectly fine to observe a celebrated time that is without a doubt rooted in paganism. As long as we say we're doing it for Him we think it's fine. Or so we've been taught. We think it's fine to mix our worship with pagan things now instead of doing just like Yahshua did and observe the Passover-Unleavened Bread memorial feast day. A time that was appointed by Yahweh. And then we go about accusing those who actually do keep the same observances as Yahshua did of being in some type of cult or teaching some strange doctrine. Is that not backwards? I have actually heard people refer to those who are keeping the times appointed by Yahweh as being ones who deny Yahshua. How can doing what He did be denying Him?
If these appointed times of Yahweh are all about Yahshua and He is revealed in them how the heck is observing them denying Him? And since those appointed times are a part of the Word given by Yahweh that Yahshua became in the flesh, wouldn't it be more like denying Him if one denies they should follow that Word?
Just as fast as there are new people waking up everyday to this awesome and life changing truth, you can rest assured that there are just as many opposers gearing up to take a stand for rejecting it. They are blind and cannot see the truth but it is so sad to see one fight with all of their might at defending abstaining from keeping the same appointed times that Yahshua kept and rather teach to celebrate something that is rooted in the very practices that He died to redeem us from.
Dear family and friends, do your homework. Diligently prove what it is that you do. If you choose to follow the majority that blend in with the ways of the world that is totally your freedom of choice. But please don't say you follow Yahshua/Jesus when you oppose doing like He actually did. He obeyed His Father and those that follow Him, those that REALLY follow Him, they obey His/their Father too.
We would do well to say "since He, Yahshua/Jesus, did it perfectly and pleased our Father, we should do like He did". And then we should actually do it like He did instead of making up our own things to follow.
One God. One people. One Torah/instructions for all.
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