Just like there are some nasty people who claim to be Christian such as the "Nazi" Christians or "Skin Heads" (or whatever they call themselves) that you wouldn't want to be associated with, there are many that are also labeled as "Hebrew Roots learners" or "Torah" obedient etc that have some nasty attitudes too.
That in NO WAY negates the Truth that is being revealed to the numerous ones that are having the blinders removed from their eyes and returning back to the Ancient Paths that our Savior followed and instructed us to follow also. Hence, the whole purpose of the admonition to "repent".
They are a stumbling block to the truth and will be held accountable for that one day.
Also there are wolves in sheeps clothing that are really quick to accuse the truth of being wrong and they do it by promoting the traditions of man to be what is truth and not what scripture literally says.
They despise this move, this call back to the ancient paths by the Holy Spirit because it is shattering everything that they stand for; And either pride is keeping them blind to the truth or they just don't want the truth at all. They exalt the behavior of those that have the nasty attitudes as if they represent the whole of anything "Hebrew" or "Torah" related and try to debunk it being anything of the Holy Spirit. They ridicule and mock the very truth they them selves need.
I pray that people are not so easily duped into believing that they are accurate representatives of the great work being done by the Holy Spirit. It should be very obvious that the enemy will have the truth to be, what appears to the world, wrong, bad, cultish and he will do whatever it takes to cause the least to the greatest to stumble and go down with him.
Remember, the path is "narrow" that leads to life. A good clue would be that it's not the popular vote or in sync with the majority.
(Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.)
Do not be so worldly that you can't see the truth because it doesn't fit into that world. The truth is ill spoken of by the enemy, as well as those blind to the truth. So if you're hanging around a "religion" that, for the most part, the world doesn't have a problem with, maybe you need to re-evaluate that whole system.
Yahshua/Jesus didn't come bearing news of some new religion that will make all the world come together and accept any and everything just for the sake of peace. No. He came promoting the Kingdom of heaven, the will of Yahweh. A kingdom that will be under the rule of Yah's Torah where Yahshua will reign as King enforcing that same Torah.
(Mat_4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Mar_1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. )
I pray you desire the truth more than worldly entertainment which can be used to keep you so preoccupied that you don't have time to seek it.
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