doesn't matter what you blame it on. YHWH says if you disobey Him,
especially those who have said they will "follow" Him, He will bring on
the curses that He said He would. And if you STILL continue to disobey
Him, He will exponentially INCREASE those curses. Go read Deut 28:
starting with verse 15. And see if you cannot figure out that some of
those very things are what is happening to the very ones who claim to be
His this day. And it keeps getting worse.
Our Messiah, Y'shua/Jesus, did NOT come to rebel against what Father said and encourage us to do the same. He came to restore us BACK TO what Father said after paying the debt we owed for straying from it. And just because you've been entrenched in a belief system all of your life does not make that belief true. No matter how much you "feel" it is good. Nor does the fact that a large majority feels the same way make it true. Remember the truth is a narrow path in this world not followed by many. It's not popular at all.
"Paul" seems to be the go to guy to try and justify what ends up being disobedience to Father's instructions by that majority. But even Peter said his letters would be misinterpreted. He is one of the most misinterpreted writers that were canonized.
And since Paul and his words sets the standard for so many, have you done what he said here?: "Rom 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law."
Well, have you? Have you established YHWH's instructions in your life yet? Or are you still believing the lie that you can do whatever you want as long as you somehow "love people" and "love God" however "you feel" like? Because, the truth is, His instructions are the very things He gives us to show us how TO love Him and our neighbor. He never said it was something we'd accomplish with our own hearts or feelings. He even says our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked.
Y'shua/Jesus never said, "Never mind my Sabbaths, but don't forget to pay (tythe) your pastor. As if we can plug a few choice things from His instructions while neglecting others. I think the pastors have learned a sneaky thing being able to convince a congregation to abide by that commandment and give up part of their paychecks and yet neglect the very thing YHWH says is a sign of His people, His Sabbaths.
People get hung up and think the "old testament" is only about bloody sacrifices and stoning. And maybe a few good "stories" they like to teach the children in Sunday school. In Truth, it is the very Word of YHWH; That which Y'shua/Jesus became the walking flesh manifestation of. He did not do away with the very thing He represented.
The foundation is in no way retracted, made void, or replaced by the very revealing of it. And that is exactly what the writings of what we call the "New Testament" is. It is the revealing, as intended by Father, by the manifestation and life of Y'shua Messiah. He shows us how to live it out both physically and spiritual. To believe He came to do something different than Father Yah is to make Him out to be a rebel child and not the Son of the living Elohim.
The foundation written in what we refer to as the "Old Testament" is fully revealed in what we refer to as the "New Testament". Neither cancels the other.
Our Messiah, Y'shua/Jesus, did NOT come to rebel against what Father said and encourage us to do the same. He came to restore us BACK TO what Father said after paying the debt we owed for straying from it. And just because you've been entrenched in a belief system all of your life does not make that belief true. No matter how much you "feel" it is good. Nor does the fact that a large majority feels the same way make it true. Remember the truth is a narrow path in this world not followed by many. It's not popular at all.
"Paul" seems to be the go to guy to try and justify what ends up being disobedience to Father's instructions by that majority. But even Peter said his letters would be misinterpreted. He is one of the most misinterpreted writers that were canonized.
And since Paul and his words sets the standard for so many, have you done what he said here?: "Rom 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law."
Well, have you? Have you established YHWH's instructions in your life yet? Or are you still believing the lie that you can do whatever you want as long as you somehow "love people" and "love God" however "you feel" like? Because, the truth is, His instructions are the very things He gives us to show us how TO love Him and our neighbor. He never said it was something we'd accomplish with our own hearts or feelings. He even says our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked.
Y'shua/Jesus never said, "Never mind my Sabbaths, but don't forget to pay (tythe) your pastor. As if we can plug a few choice things from His instructions while neglecting others. I think the pastors have learned a sneaky thing being able to convince a congregation to abide by that commandment and give up part of their paychecks and yet neglect the very thing YHWH says is a sign of His people, His Sabbaths.
People get hung up and think the "old testament" is only about bloody sacrifices and stoning. And maybe a few good "stories" they like to teach the children in Sunday school. In Truth, it is the very Word of YHWH; That which Y'shua/Jesus became the walking flesh manifestation of. He did not do away with the very thing He represented.
The foundation is in no way retracted, made void, or replaced by the very revealing of it. And that is exactly what the writings of what we call the "New Testament" is. It is the revealing, as intended by Father, by the manifestation and life of Y'shua Messiah. He shows us how to live it out both physically and spiritual. To believe He came to do something different than Father Yah is to make Him out to be a rebel child and not the Son of the living Elohim.
The foundation written in what we refer to as the "Old Testament" is fully revealed in what we refer to as the "New Testament". Neither cancels the other.