There is nothing about consumerism that promotes godliness. So why do people hold it so dear as a way to worship our Savior?
Pre-Christmas is one of the most consumeristic times of the year that is touted as being about our Savior.
No one is trying to ruin your "fun" or your childrens "fairytales". And
certainly no one is trying to get you to turn from worshipping and
acknowledging our Savior. BUT Did you know that celebrating our
Messiah's birthday, as done in the popular way today, originated as a
mixture with how pagans celebrated their god "Mithra" and other
miscellaneous gods throughout history prior to Y'shua/Jesus' birth?
And maybe many will say, "so what! What's wrong with that as long as
we know we are just celebrating Jesus?" OK well, let me tell you.
YHWH gave us instructions on how to live a set apart life from the rest
of the world as a called out people unto Him. I promise you, these
instructions were not just for a select few way back when that no longer
matter now. He also instructed us on how to worship Him as HE
desires. He never once implied that we could worship Him any ole' way
as long as our hearts were in it right. As a matter of fact He says our
hearts are wicked and deceitful and only He can know a heart's motives.
So while we might think it's for all the good reasons, we could
clearly be deceiving our own self and HE clearly sees that. The golden
calf incident is a great testament to that.
He tells us
explicitly NOT to worship Him as the people of the world worship their
gods. Even if it's something long passed. He never says we can redeem
any of it unto Him. Not even through our Beloved Messiah.
has not left us without anything to celebrate. He is not about us not
having a good time. As a matter of fact He has quite a few times He
desires we celebrate and enjoy special times.
He has appointed feasts and celebrations that are memorials and/or shadow pictures of our Messiah especially.
One is even during his birth time which is clearly defined with simple
research in scripture. It's mind numbing that scholars and theologians
seem to miss this. But maybe they don't. I have actually heard that
many know this but just don't want to "rock the boat" so to speak. So
they continue to perpetuate the traditions of man for the sake of,
well... tradition, and, of course, they don't want to be the bearer of
offence to their folds. But even prophesy says we have been taught
lies and vain things.
But again, even besides that, Have
you ever wondered why modern beleivers blatantly disregard YHWH's
appointed times?; IF they know about them at all? I mean, even if it
were so that we didn't HAVE to celebrate these things to be considered
set apart unto YHWH through Messiah Y'shua/Jesus, why wouldn't we still
want to engage in them and at least do them as an honor to Him and what
HE actually did instead of making up something that is clearly rooted
in things He said He hates?
There are lots of people who love
to do re-enactments of civil war or the renaissance period. But here we
are in the 21st century with all sorts of freedom and still cannot
stand the thought of doing anything remotely connected to what our
Savior actually did when it comes to feast days. Not to mention, the
Apostle Paul encouraged us not to let anyone judge us in keeping the
appointed times of YHWH. But most are sucked into believing he was
saying we can do whatever. I know I too believed that at one time.
When you begin to see these things outside of the realm of tradtional
thinking you begin also to realize just how deceived the average modern
believer really is. Did you know Chirstmas was originally banned in
the early years of this country? Yes. Early believers KNEW that it was
not something to be done as people of the most high. Think back on the
beginning of the Protestant movement, if you've even heard about that
at all; And how believers were beginning to move away from the wrongful
things taught within the Roman Catholic church. You might wonder,
then, how in the heck did what we protest ever get to be so main
stream, again. Well, that's pretty easy. Just think about how
mainstream other things YHWH destests have gone. Things such as being
gay or lesbian. Not to mention gay and lesbian marriage and how it's
regarded as being equal by our rulers. And what about immodest apparel
in the general public? Sex being taught to children in schools? All
of these things were once highly shunned by the average believer, even
the general public. But time and persistence of evil slowly erodes a
society. And now, only a very few still stand for true purity and
modesty along with true holiness that is according to scripture.
So you have to wonder, at this point, maybe it is true that this
Christmas thing has been more like a goldern calf. And while the
average believer thinks it's a wonderful way to acknowledge and worship
our Savior, and put the argumentative interest on the fact that so many
charities are blessed this time of year, the heart is still deceived and
it's really something that YHWH doesn't care for much at all. Not the
part about giving to the less fortunate, but He does not need a man-made
tradition to bless the less fortunate. THAT is what man conjures up.
He has already admonished us, and Y'shua/Jesus reiterated it, to give to
the needy, the poor, the widow.
Our salvation is too major of a
matter to not take serious consideration into the history and why we do
anything that we do when we do it unto Our Beloved.