( I insist on long run-on sentences so be forewarned )
It hurts the heart when your good counsel is refused. It's like knowing the secret to life and no one cares to hear it or thinks it's applicable in their life. And Satan is laughing "Shut Up! No one wants to listen to you". He knows you threaten his goal of stealing away their life when you bring such information. Unfortunately people are more comfortable following the masses than stepping out with the few on a narrow path.
I have noticed that learning the truth about obeying Torah/Yahshua not only opens your eyes to the truth of scriptures but the same people begin to care what goes into their bodies via food consumption, medicines or other man concocted "remedies". (they start taking care of their temples) It's like when we start feeding our spirit man the proper nutritious diet of The Word it begins to play out in our physical lives too. The physical man starts to follow the spiritual man and healing can begin on the outside too.
So I'm beginning to understand why so many that don't seek scriptural truth are still as blind and don't care to learn, nor believe there is a reason to, to be informed of what goes into their bodies. Of course it goes without saying that there are a lot of health enthusiasts out there that could care less about The Word of Yahweh so I guess that's kinda' like whitewashed tombs.
In other words, for the most part, the same people that don't seek the truth in Torah and think whatever they grew up with concerning their "religion" is just fine and dandy are also just fine and dandy with whatever goes into their bodies as long as "everybody's doing it". (and most of these same people gag and frown at someone eating a dog or cat but have no problem slurping down greasy hog meat.... ugghh... I use to be one but The Truth has set me free)
Knowing that most people think we've fallen off the deep end and are teaching some strange thing when we share the truth of Torah I guess they also think the same when you try to get them to pay attention to what they allow in their bodies. But I guess they would since most believe the lie that our Savior changed the Father's will and declared anything OK to eat. Oh that people would soon wake-up.
Herein is where this scripture comes into play:
Ecc_1:18 "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." It's not talking about geometry, eh? When people refuse your good counsel you really take a blow to the heart.